Week beginning 17th June 2019
Week Beginning 17th June 2019
We start this week’s bulletin with a huge well done to Safari who led their class assembly this week. It was an amazingly confident performance which was enjoyed by all! Well done to all the children involved.
Here’s what is coming up this week…
On Monday it is our Fathers’ Day breakfast. Children can bring their fathers along to join them for breakfast at school at the following times:
8.00am - Year 5 and Year 6
8.10am - Year 4
8.20am - Year 3
8.30am - Year 2
8.40am - Year 1
8.50am - Reception
If you have more than one child in the school, please chose one time slot and attend with both children at this time. Thank you. Our thanks also go to the members of St Barnabus Church who help to run this event in for our school community.
Next week it is the start of our Healthy Schools Week where we give our children a big reminder of the importance of living healthy lives through healthy diet, regular exercise and a focus on mental well-being. During Healthy Schools Week, our children will be focusing on life saving skills in their swimming lessons. Please can you provide them with some pyjamas or a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to wear in the water over their swim wear. Thank you. I have attached a letter for you which will explain a little bit more about this week, including some healthy challenges that you can take part in.
*We wish good luck to our children in Year 5 who are taking part in the Rounders Final at Royal Russell on Monday. This event is from 4-6 pm. Good luck team!
*On Tuesday, the children in Class 10 will visit Warlingham School for a morning of fun design and technology events. They will be collected at 8:45 and return by 11:45. Year 1 hearing tests take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you to those parents who have returned their consent slips for this check.
*On Wednesday, we invite parents and carers of children in Class 3 to join us for their class assembly. This starts at 9:15 in the school hall. We hope you can make it!
*On Thursday 20th June we wish good luck to the children in Years 2-6 who have been selected to participate in the Mini Marathon event at Beaumont. In the evening, we are hosting our welcome meeting for the parents and carers of our new Reception Parents and Carers whose children will be joining our school in September 2019. This event begins at 6:00pm. Please can we remind parents to bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate on this date. At this event, parents will be given a welcome pack detailing your child’s class and teacher and further information about transition and induction arrangements. There will be a short talk from the head of the department and an opportunity to visit the classrooms and say hello more informally to the staff.
*On Friday it will be Mufti Day (non-uniform day). The PTA are collecting a £1 donation from each child towards the Summer Fair. We thank you for your support with this fund raising. We are hoping the weather is favourable as our catering firm AIP will be hosting a whole school barbecue event. The children have chosen their options and are looking forward to tucking in! In assembly on Friday, we are looking forward to welcoming Waggy Tails in to assembly to raise an understanding amongst our children of the work that therapy dogs do in supporting children with additional needs and to support well-being. We wish good luck to our girls’ football team who are taking part in a competition in the afternoon.
We have recently been made aware that there is a clash with our school ‘Music is Magic’ concert and a music concert at Riddlesdown Collegiate. The date for our concert was published on our Important Dates document in July 2018 and unfortunately we have looked at alternative dates but are not able to make a change on this occasion. The concerts will therefore go ahead on the dates that have been advertised (27th June – instrumentalists/solos and 11th July - groups). Mrs Budgen, our Cello teacher, has some spaces from September for children to receive tuition on this instrument. If you are interested, please make contact on Kirsty.budgen@croydon.gov.uk More detail on individual music tuition can be found at www.croydonmusicandarts.co.uk
Just to give you some advance notice, the Infant and Junior Choirs will be performing at the Summer Fair this year at 1:45. If your child is a member of this group please keep the date and time free! Thank you. Finally, if you have any unwanted largish construction kits, our Early Years Department would love to have it!
Have a great rest of the weekend.