Week beginning 17th January 2022
We have had a great week at The Hayes, particularly our Year 6 children who enjoyed their visit to the Globe Theatre, and for IPC, using their imagination to dress as a person from the future.
Team Points: Seacole (blue team) also enjoyed an extra play on Thursday as a result of winning the whole school team points last term and lastly, we were wowed by a wonderful assembly from the children in class 3 who transported us into space! This was shared with parents on Google classroom and we hope you enjoyed watching as much as we did.
Primary Admissions: to remind you all, tomorrow is the closing date for applications to be made for primary admissions. If you have a child who is due to start at The Hayes in September 2022, please ensure your applications have been submitted via the Croydon Council website. Late applications will be considered after all those who submitted on time.
PJ Day: next week, on Tuesday, the children in class 4 have a special PJ day. They are invited to wear their pyjamas to school and be super comfy all day! This was a prize won by a pupil in class 4 as part of the PTA Christmas raffle for all of their classmates to enjoy- no napping during lessons though!
Recruitment: we are currently recruiting for a class teacher. This job is advertised on the school website and in the TES (Times Educational Supplement). If you know of any fantastic teachers, or are perhaps a teacher yourself looking for a change of school please take a look or share the advert. It can be found here Vacancies | The Hayes Primary School. The pandemic has posed many challenges to schools over the last 2 years with recruitment across the borough being one of them. We appreciate your support in spreading the word about vacancies at The Hayes. The closing date for this opportunity is 20th January 2022.
Boosters: we are in the process of setting up some in-school booster groups to support children in Year 2 and 6 to prepare for the SATs (SATs take place in the summer term). These programmes offer additional teaching to children in Years 2 and 6 that take place with a qualified teacher either before or after school. If your child has been selected for one of these interventions, you will shortly receive a letter. This should not be a cause for concern. Please do not assume that it means your child is behind. Some groups are run to support children who are on the borderline for achieving greater depth for example. For others, it may be to help close gaps that have occurred as a result of the pandemic. The letter will outline, when the opportunity is being offered, which subject area is being targeted and which teacher will be leading the session. We strongly urge you to take up these opportunities if offered to your child/children.
Goodbye: we would like to say an enormous thank you to Mrs Grima who is leaving her role in breakfast club, something she has worked in for just over 4 years. We are enormously grateful to her for her work in wrap around care and for ensuring that children not only received a healthy breakfast but also had lots of fun before school. Thank you! From Monday, we are delighted to announce that Mrs Amir, who is known to the children in her role as swimming assistant, will be taking on this position.
Governor: lastly, we shall shortly be sending you a letter about governor recruitment. We have a position on our Board of Governors for a parent governor. The letter will include details of skillsets that we are looking for. If this appeals to you, and you think you may be a good fit for the role, please contact Miss Slade as per the details in the letter.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Hayes Team