Week beginning 16th May 2022
Week beginning 16th May 2022
Well Done: we must start this week’s bulletin by saying a HUGE well done to the children in Year 6 who have made us so proud when sitting their KS2 SATs. They all worked incredibly hard and showed us that they were being the ‘best they could be’. Whatever the outcome we are very proud of them. The past 2 years have posed many challenges for our children and they have demonstrated huge resilience despite this. We continue to work hard with our children to ensure they are secondary ready but will also be planning a number of fun events towards the end of the term to mark their final months at Primary School. A massive thank you to all the staff involved in our children’s educational journey from EYFS – Year 6. Superstars!
Year 2 SATs: our children in Year 2 continue with their SATs assessments and these will be concluded by the end of May. Good luck, all!
School Photographer: this Monday, our school photographer will be in taking class/group photos. We have listened to parent feedback and requested that the traditional style photographs are taken, with children in rows rather than small groups. We shall send information on how these keepsakes can be ordered, shortly.
Croydon Schools Music Association (CSMA) Festival Junior Choir: the children taking part in these concerts will begin their area rehearsals next week where they get to sing with children from other schools taking part. The first of these area rehearsals is taking place on Monday afternoon at St Nicks School. Parents of children taking part should collect from St Nicks at 3:30pm.
CSSP: the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership will be in on Tuesday to work with the children in Years 3 and 4 on the development of netball skills.
Class Assembly: on Wednesday, the children in Class 6 will be recording their assembly which will be shared with parents via Google classroom and on Thursday, the children in Class 8 will be doing the same. We will let you know via text message when this is available for you to view.
Jubilee Dance Mash Up: on Friday, we are welcoming Mrs Baines into school to lead dance workshops with our children, starting in Year 1 and Year 2. She will be working with all other classes on Monday 23rd May, to prepare for our whole school performance to end The Hayes Platinum Jubilee Celebrations on Friday 27th May, from 2:40pm on the school playground. Below is a preview of our activities during the final week of this summer half term, for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Week beginning Monday 23rd May 2022: The Hayes Primary School Events
In 2022, Her Majesty the Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. The Hayes are getting involved in celebrating Her Majesty’s historic reign in the run up to the Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend by taking part in a number of activities and celebrations:
History Week (Week Beginning: Monday 23rd May), with a focus on our Queen and the Jubilee:
*Who is our Queen?
*What is the role of our Queen?
*What is a Jubilee?
Platinum Music from our Queen’s Reign (1940s-2000s)
We will also be enjoying and joining in with some of the most popular songs from our Queen’s Reign.
A small selection of songs as examples, are as follows:
1940s: *Chattanooga Choo Choo - Glenn Miller Orchestra
*We’ll Meet Again and White Cliffs of Dover- Vera Lynn
1950s: *Johnny B Goode – Chuck Berry
*Living Doll – Cliff Richard
1960s: *What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong (1960s)
*Let it Be – The Beatles (1960s)
*Respect – Aretha Franklin (1960s)
1970s: *Dancing Queen – Abba (1970s)
*Superstition – Stevie Wonder (1970s)
1980s: *Purple Rain – Prince (1980s)
*Wake Me Up Before You Go Go – Wham! (1980s)
1990s: *Hear the drummer – Chad Jackson (1990s)
*Hero – Mariah Carey (1990s)
2000s: *Sky Full of Stars – Coldplay (2000s)
*I Gotta Feeling – The Black Eyed Peas (2000s)
*We Don’t Talk About Bruno – Disney – Encanto (2000s)
Maypole Dancing with Mrs Yates
(throughout the week with all year groups during music lessons, where possible)
Jubilee Dance Mash Up Workshops and Dance with Mrs Baines
After two days of workshops for all children and using music from the last 70 years, we will be opening the school gates on Friday 27th May, from 2:40pm to parents/carers. This, so you can see and perhaps join in with your child and all of our talented children and staff perform the Platinum Jubilee Mash Up Dance! This will take place from approximately 2:45pm. Over 400 children will be dancing in the middle of the playground, please ensure that you stand well back from the dance floor, using the field and sides of the playground to distance. Many thanks. It is going to be a very exciting week!
Football Team: congratulations to the football team who came second in the league. Well done to all children and their coaches, especially Ms Hale.
Mobile Phones: in Year 6 should only be brought to school by children who walk home alone. Thank you.
Medical Appointments: we are noticing an increase in parents collecting their children for appointments during the school day. Please can we remind you that this should be for emergencies only e.g. if a child had cracked a tooth and was in pain, this would require an urgent appointment. A regular check-up is not a reason to remove your child/children from school. Please make all non-urgent appointments during the half term or after school, thank you.
We hope you continue to have a lovely weekend.
The Hayes Team