Week Beginning 16.4.18
WB 16.4.18
Welcome back, we hope you have all had a fantastic break and rest. Please read below dates and forthcoming events:
Monday 16th April: Y5 are going on their residential trip to Carotty Wood. A reminder for Y5 parents: your child will need a packed lunch tomorrow. If your child has any medication, it needs to be placed in a clear plastic bag with your child’s name and details of when it should be given. Please hand this into Mrs Bolton on Monday morning. Mobile phones and electronic games are not permitted.
We will text you when the children arrive at Carroty Wood and there will be updates via Twitter over the forthcoming 3 days.
On Wednesday and Thursday auditions for Hayes Got Talent are taking place. Children will be informed of who has a place in the Finals in assembly on Friday morning.
Friday 20th April: Open Afternoon. Parents/carers are invited into school from 2.15pm to spend some time in your child’s class/share your child’s work. Please feel free to take your child/ren home after the event.
Upcoming events
*Monday 23rd April – Arts Week
*Monday 23rd April – St Georges Day. If your child is a member of a uniformed organisation, they can wear their uniform to school on this day (ie: a Rainbow, Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers etc).
*Tuesday 24th April – Y4 trip to the Natural History Museum
*Wednesday 25th April – PTA AGM in the ICT suite from 2pm
*Thursday 26th April – Hayes Got Talent rehearsal
*Friday 27th April –Hayes Got Talent Competition, 6:30pm-8:30pm (in the hall).
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
All the best,
The Hayes Team