Week Beginning 16.10.17
I hope that all of the children enjoyed their PTA event this afternoon and the DISCO this evening. Thank you to the PTA and all of the helpers for giving up their time to provide our children with this experience.
Congratulations to our children who received commendation certificates today and our Hayes champs.
Next Week
On Monday, Year 1 have their Magic Toymaker workshop.
The Travelling Book Fair will be in school from Tuesday to Thursday; this is run by the PTA.
On Thursday at 2pm, Year 4 is putting on their Fashion show to their parents.
There is a parent workshop at 5pm for Year 6 parents explaining about Year 6 SATs and what to expect.
On Friday, our girls football team are playing a tournament in Selsdon. Good luck girls!!
It is with sadness that I have to inform you that the lovely Mrs Flynn is leaving on Friday. She has been at The Hayes for 12½ years and will be a huge loss and greatly missed. During this time, Mrs Flynn has had a massive impact on improving the outcomes for many children in our school and been on many residential trips where I am sure she has had as much fun as the children! We wish her all the best in the future as she spends more time with her lucky family. We thank her for all that she has achieved and Mrs Flynn, please do come back often and visit!
Lexia classes will continue as usual after half term (before school and lunchtime) and the successor for Mrs Flynn's Teacher Assistant role will be announced as soon as references have been received.
Just a reminder that we break up for half term on Friday 20th and children come back to school on Tuesday 31st October 2017.
Have a lovely weekend.