Week beginning 15th November
Week beginning 15th November
School Photography: on Monday, our school photographer will be in school taking photographs of individuals and siblings. Please make sure that your children are in full school uniform. Where possible, we will always try to ensure that children swimming on Monday have their photographs first to avoid wet hair pictures. We will also try to get our children in reception through early before they have the chance to get covered in paint or splash in the water tray! We know how special first school photos are.
PE Kits: while mentioning school uniform we have noticed that some children are not wearing the correct school PE kits. If we are to continue to allow the children to come to school in their PE kits, it is important that this is correct uniform. Children attending school in Adidas or Nike tracksuits for example or their own choice of clothes for PE will be loaned a school uniform from our spares to wear for the day to assure they are adhering to our uniform expectations. To remind of correct uniform, please click on this link.
Anti-Bullying: Monday is the start of our anti bullying week and the theme is ‘One Kind World’. This theme will be explored with the children through a virtual assembly and through class activities all week. Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week this year. To mark this event on Tuesday 16th November the children are encouraged to wear odd socks. The message behind this initiative is that we are ALL unique and different, but despite this we must be kind to each other and respect each other’s individuality.
Space: on Tuesday, our children in Year 2 will also be going into space! With a virtual reality experience allowing the children to be immersed in a visit to outer space we know they are going to thoroughly enjoy this experience. Thank you to all parents who have made their payment for this on parent pay. Please can we remind those who have not already done so to make their payments before the event please. Thank you.
Reception Open Morning: on Thursday, we will be hosting our second open morning for parents of children due to start in Reception in September 2022. There are still some spaces available and these can be booked via our school website. The meeting will begin at 9:30 in the school hall and attendees are asked to wear a face covering unless exempt please.
Remembrance: on Thursday, at the 11th hour, we remembered all those who served their country and those who died whilst on duty during the wars. 1000s of thanks to all children and staff who took part in this poignant virtual service which we hope to put up on the website soon.
Wrap Up London: huge thanks for your generosity and support so far. We are still accepting donations next week if you would like to collect any second hand or unwanted coats to help those in need. A donation box will be placed at the school foyer area. Thank you.
We thank you for your ongoing support. Have a great weekend.