Week beginning 15th March
Week Beginning 15th March 2021
As we reach the end of the first week back we want to start by saying how impressed we have been with the children who have all settled back, quickly. It has been wonderful to hear the sounds of learning and laughter ringing through the corridors once more and hope we can remain fully open from now on in. It goes without saying that we have loved having our children in the Hub from January – but it is so fantastic to have everyone back together.
Safety: thank you also to you our parents and carers who have all been adhering strictly to the expectations set out in the risk assessment to keep everybody safe. Our staff have all been given access to lateral flow tests which they are encouraged to use twice a week in order to help identify asymptomatic cases. The government have now also announced that this is available for families of school age children and those of you who would like the opportunity to undertake regular testing can order/ collect 2 boxes of lateral flow tests using the following link: COVID Test Finder (test-and-trace.nhs.uk). The more people in our community that are testing, the more likely we are to identify positive cases and minimise potential transmission.
Book Week Bakes: today in virtual assembly, our Book Week cake bake winners were announced. A massive well done to everyone who took part- the cakes looked amazing and we are sure tasted delicious too! Below are the winning entries, got a certificate and a book today, from EYFS, KS1 and KS2. The cakes look amazing!
We welcome Miss Petiti to our team. She works in After School Club on a daily basis – I am sure we will all make her feel very welcome.
Next week we will begin to host our parent/ teacher evenings on Tuesday 15th March and Thursday 17th March for parents of children in Early Years (EYFS) or Yrs. 1 and 2 (KS1) and on the 23rd March and 25th March for parents of children in Yrs. 3-6 (KS2). Instructions on how to book your appointment were emailed to all parents yesterday and you can also find it on our website. Booking opens at 8:00am on Saturday 13th March and will remain open until 4pm the day before the appointment is due to take place.
Wrap Around Care: just a reminder to parents dropping off their children in the morning for breakfast club. Please remember that it is also a car park and cars do drive in and out of this area. Therefore, ensure your child/ren are with you at all times when you come onto the premises. Many thanks.
Red Nose Day, Friday 19th: we are selling red noses for Comic Relief which will take place next Friday. The noses can be purchased via parent pay at a cost of £1.50 and your child can come and collect theirs from the office, after 930am. Also, each class will be participating in a fund-raising event, details of which will follow in a separate letter early next week- all classes are choosing what they want to do and it is going to be an exciting day. It’s never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. Red Nose Day donations help tackle important issues including homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change and at The Hayes we are doing it large, so your support is as important as ever. Thank you for your donations in advance.
Whereas the red noses can be paid into Parent Pay (because he school have purchased the noses) any donations for sponsored events must be paid directly to Red Nose Day and the link for this is here: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=3386 There is also a page on the website which has the link- we will also add some past red nose day photos to liven it up (News/ Fundraising).
GOOD NEWS! The council have agreed to install a zebra crossing on Hayes Lane to help our families make their way safely across the road on their way to or from school. The planned works will commence on Monday 22nd March and are expected to be finished by 2nd April 2021. Please be aware that there may be some disruption on the road outside of school during this period of time and allow extra time for your journey to school.
On the 15th March, the children in Year 6 will be working with The Anne Frank Society to learn about prejudice and discrimination and how we can work together to overcome this. The children will participate in a virtual delivery of various workshops during which they will have time to reflect on the importance of identity and having a sense of belonging. We believe it is important to promote diversity and inclusion and ensuring our children understand the harmful and lasting effects of discrimination, is an important part of ensuring that this can be stamped out.
Reminder: on 31st March at 6pm, we are hosting a FREE parent workshop on line entitled how to keep your child safe on line during COVID-19. This is going to be a very informative event that helps keep our children safe. Tickets can be booked via the following link : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-hayes-primary-school-keeping-children-safe-online-during-covid-19-registration-138446550359
Polling Stations: on 6th May we have been notified that the Local Authority will be using The Hayes as a polling station. For this reason, and to minimise disruption and any unnecessary school closures, we have moved the Inset day that was originally planned for the 30th April to coincide with the Polling Day. Please note this date change in your diaries. To confirm, school will be open as normal on the 30th April but closed to children on Thursday 6th May due to polling/INSET.
Swimming: next week, swimming re-starts for the following classes, on the following days:
Class 10 and Class 6: Monday
Class 8 and Class 12: Tuesday
Safari and Class 4: Wednesday
Class 2: Thursday.
Reminder for Year 1 parents, if you have not done so already, please can you return your consent forms for the hearing tests taking place in school on the 25th and 26th of this month. Without your consent, this cannot be administered. If you would like your child’s hearing to be checked, you MUST return the signed consent form to school. Thank you.
That is it! We thank you for your ongoing support, have a safe and relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.
The Hayes Team.