Week Beginning 14th November 2016
Week beginning 14th November 2016
Today we stopped for a two minute silence to remember those who lost their lives during the Wars. We also remembered those involved in the Sandilands tram derailment this week. Our thoughts are with their families.
Coming up this week…
On Monday, our reception children will be visiting Tesco in Purley as part of the Farm to Fork initiative to find out all about where the food they eat comes from.
On Tuesday morning TfL will be visiting Year 6 for a Road Safety workshop. This will be from 9:30- 10:30. It will also be our Early Parents evening. If you have not already booked a slot for this please visit our school website where you can make an appointment for Tuesday or Thursday.
On Wednesday, Reception and Year 6 Height and Weight checks will be taking place with the school nursing team. Year 4 will have a workshop via Explore Learning and there is a netball match against Atwood at home after school. Good luck to the team!
On Thursday parents of children in Year one, two and three, who have given consent, will be given the flu vaccine. Year 6 will have an explore learning workshop. It is our late parents evening. It is also our PTA Christmas shopping evening in the hall where there will be a host of exciting stalls selling a range of goods. We are sure you will enjoy this event and thank the PTA for organising this.
Please may we remind all parents that Parent/Teacher Meetings are an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s learning, progress and targets. Please do try to stick to your allotted 10 minute time slot to help us keep to time and the teachers will endeavour to do the same. There will be an opportunity for you to come in and view your children’s learning at our Open Afternoon which is scheduled to take place on Thursday 1st December from 2-3. We apologise that this date was accidently omitted from the overview of dates sent out at the start of the year.