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Week beginning 14th May 2018

WB 14.5.18

On Monday we held our IOW meeting for parents/carers of Year 6. If you were unable to attend, this presentation is now available to view on the school website ( and has also been emailed out to you. On Wednesday Class 6 put on their class assembly. The children performed amazingly (with a lot of humour and vibrancy) to get across the meaning of one of our values ‘Co-operation’. Well done Class 6! Well done to the children that took part in the Table Tennis Tournament on Thursday, our children won! Excellent skills and performance Team The Hayes – we are all very proud of you. Year 3 went on a visit to Broadstone Warren on Friday as a starter to their IPC (International Primary Curriculum) topic, they had a thoroughly enjoyable day.


Year 6 SATS start next week- good luck all!

Wednesday 16th May – Bags2School Collection

Thursday 17th May – Safari Class Assembly, 915am in the hall

Friday 18th May – Royal Wedding dress up day: children (and staff) to come to school dressed in anything ‘Royal’ or anything red, white and/or blue. This to celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle on Saturday 19th May.

Monday 21st May – WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK

Tuesday 22nd May – Year 6 visit to Kenley Aerodrome

Wednesday 23rd May – Class 10 assembly, 915am in the hall

Thursday 24th May – Year 5 trip to Shirley Park Tennis Club

Friday 25th May - Wear your ‘happy shoes’ to school. Break up for half term holiday

Please return your S6 and GDPR forms to the school office please. If you have not got these forms, they can be collected at the office.

Thursday 17th May – Change to the school menu: beef burgers or golden vegetable nuggets with wedges, sweetcorn and peas (there is also a gluten free burger option).

See you all tomorrow!

The Hayes Team
