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Week Beginning 14th March 2022

Week beginning 14th March 2022

Leaders: another exciting week at The Hayes. Our Year 5s have been introduced to their buddies in Reception class and there was much excitement! We do this to help our youngest children grow further in confidence with their social skills on the playground and also to spend some time together throughout the next two years. Of course, it doesn’t only help our youngest children, it also builds leadership skills in our Year 5s and characteristics such as responsibility, teamwork, communication and organisation skills. 
Also, during the week, Class 10 became Playground Leaders and delivered playground games to Year 1.

It was definitely a week of building leadership skills for our Year 5s. Self-confidence, problem solving, teamwork and communication skills. So important to master at such a young age.

Reception: our children in Reception had a visitor this week from the RNLI – for our topic ‘People Who Help Us’. Freya got to dress up in a replica outfit and looked amazing! Next week, we have a dentist and the Police and the following week we have a nurse.

Welcome! We welcome Mrs Knapman to our staff who is a qualified teacher, working with individual children and small groups. Our children may also be lucky enough to meet her if she teaches their class occasionally. We know you will make her feel welcome.
Comic Relief: as we said in the last bulletin, Red Nose Day is on Friday 18th March and throughout the week (mostly on Friday), we will be raising funds to help people live free from poverty, violence, discrimination and this also includes funding organisations that are supporting people in Ukraine and those attempting to cross the border. Whatever you give, no matter how small, we have the power to make a difference. We can change lives. Your child’s class will be fundraising by doing the following sponsorship activities:
Safari and Rainforest: danceathon.
Class 1 - obstacle course
Class 2 - circuit work out

Class 3 - Imoves 'athon'
Class 4 – Imoves 'athon'

Class 5 - sponsored silence
Class 6 –
sponsored ball skills
Class 7 – sponsored obstacle course
Class 8- sponsored silence
Class 9 – sponsored silence
Class 10 - readathon
Class 11 – go-athalon
Class 12 – runathon

This year, we will be collecting funds via our Just Giving Page which you can get to by clicking on this link. It can also be accessed by our Twitter page as well. Let fundraising begin! Additionally, on the day, we will be fundraising by wearing something funny or red, if your child wishes to do this, please drop £1 into our Just Giving Page. Many, many thanks in advance! Comic Relief Bake Sale: on Friday 18th March, from 3pm in the school playground (front of stage area), the PTA will be holding a RND Cake Bake. Please bring all donations (baked or bought, but nut free!) to the main office, the morning of Friday 18th March.  The funds raised from this bake sale will be split 50/50 between the PTA and Comic relief


Book Week Cake Bake: well done to the following children who won the Cake Bake competition, prizes will be distributed next week. Well done to all who entered, the cakes looked and I am sure tasted awesome!
Rainforest: Orla
Safari: Olive
Class 1: Amelia
Class 3: Lara
Class 4: Amy
Class 5: Freya (and Rohan)
Class 6: Darcy
Class 7: Anabel
Class 8: Amelia
Class 9: Wilfred
Class 10: Florence M
Class 11: Hugo M
Class 12: Izzy.
Messages From the PTA

Mother’s Day Gift Room: please remember to purchase your child's gift ticket via - products and events. Each gift costs £3 and your child will wrap this gift before bringing it home before Mother’s day. Please remember you can buy more than one gift

 PomPoms: I think we all agree that these look fantastic outside school, but some of them are looking a little worn now (not surprised with the storms!) Please would you make us some more? If you can, please drop them in the box in the main office. There will also be yarn in the box for you to use if you wish. We would like to continue to mark our respects for those who lost their lives to Covid, but we also felt it would be a good idea to have some blue and yellow ones amongst them to show our support for Ukraine. Thank you.

 Our AGM took place via zoom on Monday 7th March and we will be sharing the minutes with you all very soon. We are pleased to announce that Steph Roach was officially voted in as the PTA's new chair as of September 2022.  Congratulations to Steph!


Have a relaxing rest of the weekend.
The Hayes Team.

