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Week beginning 13th November 2023

Week beginning Monday 13th November 2023

We start by saying a huge thank you to all our parents and carers who joined us for our parents’ evenings this week. We hope you found the meetings useful and had the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have had. Please may we remind you that we are always here to discuss any questions, worries or concerns that you may have, even outside of parent/teacher meetings. If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher, you can catch them in the morning or send an email to to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.

We would like to congratulate class 10 for a wonderful class assembly on Diwali. We were so impressed with their knowledge of this festival, their brilliant acting, super singing and beautiful Rangoli patterns. We wish all those celebrating this Sunday a very Happy Diwali.

Next week, we launch our Anti-bullying week with the theme ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’. The children will be thinking about how they can be a kind friend to others and discussing the importance of not being a bystander when they see somebody in need. Look out for some keyrings made by the children to mark this event, demonstrating our shared commitment to making our school a happy and safe place to be for all. On Monday, the children are invited to wear odd socks to school to mark the start of this important week. Odd socks show that we are all unique and our differences should be celebrated as something that makes the world a diverse and special place.

On Thursday, our netball team have a match against Chipstead Valley at home and the girls’ football team have two matches this week. The first is a home match on Tuesday 14th against Woodcote and the second is an away match against Kenley on Thursday. We wish all those competing, the best of luck and we know they will give it all they’ve got!

There will be a school council meeting on Thursday 16th at 12:30 in the computing suite. Please remind your child, if they are a class rep, to go for an early lunch on this day.

Year 6 booster groups begin next week. We thank parents and carers for ensuring their children’s attendance at these additional sessions which are designed to give free, personalised support for your children in areas of learning where they may need some consolidation. 

Our Year 6 pupil advocates will also be launching a book club from next week for children in EYFS and KS1 (Years 1 and 2). This will take place in the library area at school between 12:30 and 1:00. In this club, our younger children can come in and read to, or with, some of our fantastic Year 6 readers. We love using peer support to inspire and encourage our pupils. There is no requirement to book a place at this club. Numbers in attendance will be managed internally and all children are welcome to participate.

The Scholastic Book Fair will return to school on Tuesday 21st November through to Friday 24th November. We are thankful to the support of the PTA for helping to manage the event after school at the top of the playground under the shelter. We hope you can pay a visit. All proceeds made support the school with investments in new texts for the classrooms. Purchases can be made using cash only.

We also wanted to let you know that our PTA will soon be running the Grand Raffle again this year. The first prize is an electric Lexus Rz for the weekend. The second prize is a £50 Love2Shop voucher and the 3rd prize is a Space NK Advent Calendar. The ticket books will be sent home with the children shortly. If you would like to enter the raffle, tickets are £1 each or £5 for the book.  There will be a box in the office labelled 'raffle tickets' for parents to drop money and tickets in. This will be emptied on a daily basis. The draw will be made at the Christmas fair so the deadline to return the tickets and money will be Tuesday 28th November. 

Lastly, we have recently received some concerns from parents in our community who have sighted a man acting suspiciously in our local area. He is described as being approximately 35 years old, with brown skin and usually wearing a hoodie. We have shared these concerns with our safer neighbourhood policing team who are aware of the man in question. The police have asked that if any parents or staff members witness this person acting suspiciously near our school, to phone the police immediately. A member of staff is always on the gates in the mornings but please do remind any children walking home alone to go straight home and not deviate from their route.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a wonderful weekend.
