Week beginning 13th May
We welcome home our Year 5 children today who have had a fantastic time in Wales on their first residential school trip. Thank you to Rock UK for the wonderful experiences that have been offered to our children and the staff who have supported this educational visit.
We would like to say a huge well done to the children in Year 2 who have made a great start to their SATs. We are really proud of how hard they have been working, their attitudes and determination. These tests continue to the end of the month. Keep up the great work Year 2!
Coming up next week...
This week marks the start of Year 6 SATs week. We would like to start this week's bulletin by letting our school community know how proud we are of these children who have worked so hard all year to ensure that they are ready for these tests. We pride ourselves on knowing our children well and we know that in our school our children have a huge range of skills and talents that these tests are not capable of measuring including brilliant artists, sports people, diplomats, musicians, poets, scientists and many, many more! The children should enter these tests with confidence and self-belief as we think each and every one of them are amazing!
The tests will all be taken in the morning, so please ensure your child has had a good night's sleep, a filling nutritious breakfast and arrive in school on time.
The schedule for the SATs are as follows:
Monday: English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Papers 1&2
Tuesday: Reading
Wednesday: Maths Paper 1 &2
Thursday: Maths Paper 3
Friday: No tests.
Please can we ask parents to keep a watchful eye on younger siblings at the end of the day and keep them away from classroom windows to avoid disturbing children in their lessons. Thank you
Reception parents will receive details of The Child Health Screening Programme in your child's bookbag today. If you are happy for your child to be seen and have their vision checked you do not need to do anything.
School Hearing Test take place for Year 1 on 18th & 19th June, a letter has been sent home via your child's bookbag. Please complete the consent form and return to the office as soon as possible. If you do not complete this form, your child will not be included.
Finally, we would like to give a warm welcome to all of the parents/carers and children who will be joining our September 2019 Cohort. You will soon be receiving a letter with details of your child's admission to school. To give you some advance notice that there will be a welcome meeting to parents on the 20th June at 6:00pm and a picnic for your children on the 9th July. We look forward to getting to know you and your children next year.
Have a great weekend.