Week beginning 13th June 2022
Week beginning 13th June 2022
This week, we start our bulletin with an urgent plea for volunteers for the Summer Fair, taking place on Saturday 25th June. We are so lucky at The Hayes to have a really proactive PTA who work hard to raise much needed funds for the school and bring our community together through fun events. We are delighted that, for the first time in 3 years, we will be able to hold a Summer Fair, once more. However, the PTA have had an extremely low expression of interest for people to help support this event. In order to run the Fair and staff the stalls, we need volunteers to help. Each Year group has a stall to cover. If you are able to offer even half an hour of your time, please do sign up on the doodle poll below. Without enough parental support, the Fair simply cannot run. We thank those of you who have already signed up, we are really grateful but we desperately need more helpers to make this event a success. We thank you in anticipation of your time.
*Craft stall - Reception
*Play your cards right - Year 1
*BBQ - Year 2
*Basketball - Year 3
*Tin can alley & find the treasure – Year 4
*Booze or lose - Year 5
*Sweet tombola - Year 6
*Glitter tattoos - Year 5 children
*Teachers Stocks - Year 5 children
Donations for the Summer Fair: next week, the PTA we will be collecting donations for the Summer Fair from in front of the Year 1 classrooms. Please see below, for more details.
EYFS Trip to Bockett’s Farm: our children in Reception had a wonderful day at Bockett’s Farm, on Friday. They had great fun meeting and learning about the friendly animals and breeds, going on a tractor and trailer ride, watching and cheering pig racing, and having a cuddle with some baby animals, too. They were so well behaved for their first school trip and we are very proud of them. We are sure they will sleep well tonight! Thank you also to all the parents who offered to support this visit.
Year 6 Residential: on Monday, our Year 6 children head off on their residential to Carroty Wood. They are due to have a fun packed week full of adventure and activity. We are sure they will have a wonderful time and be fantastic ambassadors for the school. We are also very grateful to the staff who will be attending this trip, Mrs Sutherland, Miss Moll, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Dobson, Mrs Sinclair and Miss Slade. Without their willingness to work around the clock, opportunities like this would not be possible for our children. Whilst Miss Moll is on the residential, Class 1 will be covered by Mrs Randall (our Year 6 teacher who is not able to attend the residential on this occasion). The children are due to return back from this residential at approximately 2pm when they must be collected. Any changes to the estimated time of arrival will be communicated to you via text message. Whilst the children are away, please be sure to keep your eye on our school Twitter account for several photo updates of the children, over this time, taking part in their activities.
Hearing Assessments: children in Year 1 will have their hearing assessment in school on Tuesday or Wednesday. These assessments are conducted by the school nursing team. The results of this check are not shared with the school but if any concerns are identified, parents/carers will be contacted accordingly.
Croydon Schools Music Association: on Tuesday, CSMA choir rehearsals will take place at The Fairfield Halls. The Infant choir will be attending in the morning and the Junior choir in the afternoon. The children will be travelling on public transport (train from Kenley to East Croydon) and return in the same way if they are in the Infant choir. Junior children should be collected from Kenley Station at 4:10pm (if on time!) however, if your child usually attends after school club (or usually walk home), they will be able to walk back up the hill with school staff.
Multiplication Tables Check: next week, the children in Year 4 will be completing their Multiplication Tables Check. This is a Statutory Assessment that all children in Year 4 nationally are required to take. It tests their ability to answer times tables questions up to 12x12 with rapid recall. They will be presented with 25 questions on an iPad and will be given 6 seconds to answer each question. The children have had practice of this so they are familiar with the test format. Schools will not have access to the children’s scores until later in the summer term.
Class Assembly: on Wednesday, Class 2 will be recording their class assembly. This will be uploaded onto Google classroom for parents and carers to see.
Fathers’ Day Gift Room: thanks to our PTA, the Fathers’ Day gift room will be back up and running from Monday to Thursday, during lunchtime. This takes place between 12-1pm in the breakfast club room. This event allows parents/ carers to purchase a ticket online, via the PTA page that enables their child/ren to come and choose a gift for their father (or another important male figure) and have support to wrap this up and bring home to give to dad on Sunday. Tickets cost £3 and should be purchased online before the event. They will be on sale until Sunday 12th June, 9pm www.thehayespta.co.uk (select Products and Events). Cash payment cannot be accepted. There is also information on the PTA Facebook page.
Clean Air Day: on Thursday 16th June, we encourage you all to walk, bike or scooter to school. Our JTAs (Junior Travel Ambassadors) will be visiting classes to talk about this day and each class will be given an activity to do to promote it.
Sports Day: on Friday, we shall be holding our school sports day (weather permitting). All children should come to school in their PE kits but are encouraged to wear an item of clothing in their team colours such as a T-shirt or a sweat band (Johnson- Green, Ashcroft- Yellow, Seacole- Blue, Lawrence- Red). The children in KS2 will take part in the morning and parents are welcome to join us to spectate this event from 9:30am. The EYFS and KS1 event will take place in the afternoon and parents are welcome to spectate from 1:30pm. When the afternoon event is over, parents/carers will be permitted to take their children (including siblings) home.
NSPCC: at The Hayes, keeping our children safe is a high priority. We are pleased to let you know that we are working in partnership with the NSPCC to deliver their ‘Speak out, Stay Safe’ programme. This consists of two separate assemblies for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. The children in Years 5 and 6 will have a follow up workshop in person at the beginning of July. We will shortly be sending you a newsletter with further information.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
Have a lovely weekend.