Week beginning 12th October 2015
Week beginning 12th October 2015
We enjoyed our Sports for Schools event this week, meeting Luke Lennon-Ford, a Great British 400m athlete. His message to the children in assembly was really inspirational and linked very closely with our themes of resilience and perseverance; attitudes towards learning that we have been encouraging children to demonstrate this term. Thank you to all who have collected sponsorship; all money should be brought into school by Wednesday 14th October.
Coming up next week…
We will be celebrating Harvest Festival this week. We will be donating items again this year to the Purley Food Hub, the local food bank that was set up by Purley and Kenley Churches Together. This charity provides food and items for those in crisis. Since it started in January 2013, they have fed 3000 people and provided 27000 meals. They would be grateful if we could supply them with any of the following items:
Pasta sauces |
Whole long life milk |
Ready meals for toddlers |
Breakfast cereals |
Fruit juice |
Soup in packets |
Plain meat in tins |
Dried potato in packets |
Tomatoes in tins |
Pulses |
Long grain rice |
Dessert fruit in tins / packets |
Rice pudding |
Biscuits |
Chocolate treats |
Custard |
Pasta |
Washing up liquid |
Washing powder tablets |
Tin openers |
Shower gel |
Class 7 will be hosting the Harvest Assembly on Thursday 15th October and we’d like to invite parents of pupils in this class to watch. The assembly will take place at 9.15am – please wait in the main entrance until we invite parents in so that the class has time to set up before the audience arrive!
Some members of the PTA will be working with children in their classes over the next couple of days to design their Christmas Cards. We have been advised that there are sufficient helpers for this event; thank you for the time that you have given up.
The choir for Key Stage 2 children starts rehearsals on Thursday at lunchtime. If children are interested in participating, they need to collect a letter from the school office.
The Year 3 and 4 cross country event takes place on Thursday at 3.30pm at Lloyd Park. We have been asked to request that ALL spectators, teachers and children remain behind the spectator barrier at all times. The only exceptions to this rule are the children running the race and the nominated teacher who will be allowed into the finishing area to collect the children at the end of the race. This event has proved to be exceptionally popular this year with 200 children entered into each race; with so many children and spectators, it is essential that all spectators adhere to the safety controls and remain in the designated spectator area. Officials and marshals will be working to ensure the safety of the children and it is imperative that parents/carers co-operate and respect the marshals’ instructions at all times. Thank you in advance. Good luck to all those pupils taking part.
On Friday, pupils in Years 1 to 6 will have a special Fizz Pop Science Assembly during the afternoon. There is no cost for this event.
Our Writers of the Week this week are:
Class 1: Delilah Reynolds
Class 2: Cyrus Mayes
Class 3: Elissa Hashemi
Class 4: Gracie Killick
Class 5: Violet Bonass-Ward
Class 6: Jenna Phillip
Class 7: Lyra White
Class 8: Ella Handyside
Class 9: Medhi Bayou
Class 10: Joseph Higgins
Class 11: Jasmine Kelly
Elspeth Buchanan
Class 12: Miah Mukahanana
Congratulations to all of you!
Have a great weekend.