Week beginning 12th November 2018
Week Beginning 12th November 2018
Thank you to all the families who supported our 60th Birthday Celebrations yesterday. The children all looked amazing in their costumes as I am sure you may have seen in the collages of photos that we tweeted! More of these will be uploaded to our website very soon. A fun day was had by all and we were delighted to welcome into assembly Mrs Olver who was the first parent who walked through the school doors when they opened 60 years ago. She was able to tell the children a little about what the school was like in the past which was really interesting!
Today we held our Remembrance Assembly. It was very moving and the children made us all proud with their singing, poetry reading and respect given throughout, particularly in the two minute silence. The assembly PowerPoint, with the children’s poetry is now online, under the Curriculum tab/Values (http://www.thehayesprimaryschool.co.uk/values/)
We welcome to our school team Miss Alford who is working as part of the admin team to provide additional capacity at this busy time of year. You may have seen her in the school office and am sure you will make her feel welcome in our school community.
You will have received an email and a hard copy of the instructions for booking a parents evening appointment using our new system. Please can we remind parents that this site goes live at 10:00am tomorrow morning.
Coming up next week…
We launch our Anti-bullying week. On Monday children are encouraged to come to school wearing odd socks to celebrate our unique personalities and differences. The theme this year is ‘Choose Respect’.
Early parents evening is taking place on Tuesday from 3:30-6:00pm and the later parent’s evening is on Thursday from 4:00-7:00pm. We will try to ensure that we stick to our ten minute slots and would be grateful if you could endeavour to do the same, this will help the evening run smoothly for all with minimum delays.
On Wednesday the 14th of November, Class 11 will be hosting our whole school assembly. If your child is in this class and you wish to join us please come to the school hall for a 9:10 start.
On Thursday 15th David from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership is in school to work with children in Year five in the morning to improve general fitness and football skills and on Thursday afternoon will be teaching Year 6 Rugby.
A reminder, all children from Reception to Year 5 are entitled to receive the nasal flu jab. NHS staff will be in school on the 30th November to administer this. Please may we remind you that you must consent on line prior to this date if you would like your child to be vaccinated?
Also, you will have received a proof of a Christmas card (designed by your child) in their book bags this week. If you would like to order any, payments can be made via your ParentPay account.
Thank you. Have a great weekend.