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Week beginning 12th December 2022

Week beginning 12th December 2022.

So, the final week is upon us and on Friday we finish at 1:30pm for the Christmas holidays (there is no after school club on Friday) but before then we still have much to achieve so…here’s what’s coming up next week.

Christmas Singing: on Monday, the children in Year One and Two will be singing some Christmas songs in the playground from 3pm.  If you have a child in these year groups, you are warmly invited to join us for this event. Well done to the Key Stage 2 children for their singing (and signing) last week. Also, an enormous well done to our Reception cohort who gave us the most wonderful Christmas performance last week. We are so proud of them. The confidence with which they performed was amazing and we hope you enjoyed this event as much as we did!

Drama Club and Junior Choir Performance: on Wednesday next week, the children in the Year 6 drama club and KS2 choir (to include Year 3- Year 6; all the children that attend Monday’s choir except for the Year 6s in the play!) will be performing the ‘Primary School Christmas Musical’. If you have a child in this show please join us in the school hall for a 6pm start (max 2 spectators per child please). Children in drama club should meet Mrs Olley in the computing suite from 5:40pm and those in the choir should meet Miss Slade in the music room from 5:45pm, The children will do a dress rehearsal to the school on Wednesday morning, so siblings will have a chance to see their brothers and sisters perform too! Junior Choir are to wear school bottoms, black shoes and a Christmassy top.

Christmas Parties: on Thursday, the children will have an end of term class party in class. They may wear something Christmassy to school (this could be a full Christmas outfit, a xmas jumper or something in their hair). For the party, the children are invited to bring in a small snack pack for their personal consumption only. They should not bring in large sharing bags or multipacks. These will not be permitted.  We are a healthy school and would love to see some fruit/veg treats but as this is a special occasion small items of crisps, biscuits or chocolate will be permitted. ITEMS CONTINING NUTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. We do have children with serious allergies, please do not put them at risk by sending any items containing nuts.  The parties will happen after lunch so they will not need much as their tummies will hopefully already be full!

Whyteleafe Food Bank: a few reception families are collecting food donations and household staples for a very worthy local charity: Whyteleafe Food Bank. This group helps many local people in Whyteleafe, Kenley and surrounding areas that are struggling to feed their families and who need our community support. If you can, and would like to donate, please pop an extra item or two in your shopping this weekend. We will be collecting any donations outside reception area Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Food is delivered directly to the families in need and all recipients details are private. If you know anyone who is struggling, please let them know they can contact the Whyteleafe Community Hub (see leaflet, below). No one should go hungry and the wish list of items similar to the harvest collection, a few weeks ago can also be seen below. 

 Lastly, on behalf of all of the staff at The Hayes can we thank you for your enormous support over the autumn term and for your kindness and generosity in the gifts that have been sent in for us. We have loved working with your children this term and look forward to more of the same in the Spring. We welcome you back to school on WEDNESDAY 4th JANUARY 2023 at normal time (3rd is an INSET day and open to staff only).

Until then, from all of us to all of you, we wish you a very merry and safe Christmas time and a happy new year.
The Hayes Team


