Week Beginning 11th May 2015
Week beginning 11th May 2015
Good luck to the Year 6 children completing their SATs this week. We know you’ve worked super hard and will do your best. Get a good night’s sleep and eat a hearty breakfast!
Year 5 will be visiting the Royal Concert Hall on Wednesday 13th May to listen to a performance of the BBC’s ‘Ten Pieces’. Thank you in advance to those parents who are supporting Year 5 by attending the trip with them.
It will be Class 2’s Assembly on Friday 15th May at 10.15am and we look forward to what they have in store for us!
INSET days for 2015-2016 are now displayed on the website. They are planned for 3rd September 2015, 4th September 2015, 23rd October 2015 and 12th February 2016. We are holding the date of the one scheduled for May until we know more details about potential Polling Days.
Thank you to those of you who supported ‘Phil the Bag’ this year; we raised £261!
Bookings for summer swimming crash courses are now being taken. Please contact the office for a booking form if you are interested.
Places for the After School Club are filling up quickly for our 8th June launch. If you would like to reserve a place for June or September, please do make sure you let the office know as soon as possible as these places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with a limit until the end of this school year of 24 pupils. Information packs will be sent out next week but the main details are as follows:
Time – straight after school until 6pm
Location – the breakfast club room (until September)
Cost - £11 per session
Food will be provided, although the timing of this is still to be confirmed.
Please do remember to send in any Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers that you may collect; these are incredibly helpful for stocking up on resources in school.
Finally, a reminder that we are in the process of setting up a Twitter account for the school. We ask that if you do not want your child’s photo to be used as we celebrate any events or work that we are doing in school that you let the school office know by Friday 15th May.
Have a lovely weekend!