Week Beginning 11th July 2022
Week Beginning 11th July 2022
Sports Day: what a wonderful week we have had last week, ending in a fantastic Sports Day on Friday. It was amazing to be able to welcome parents and carers back into school for this event and we hope you enjoyed watching your children participate in their events as much as we did. Brilliant effort and team work from all…well done to all. A special congratulations to Seacole who won the KS2 event and to Lawrence who won the event in KS1. The trophy will be decorated with your team colours in the cabinet until next summer. A huge thanks also to Miss Hale for organising and co-ordinating this event and to Mrs. Derodra for providing the children with an ice-pole. To see photos from the event, please go to the Gallery on our website, or click here.
Soundstart and learning an instrument: well done to our Year 4 children who performed to their families on Tuesday – only playing for 8 months, they played professionally and with panache. Well done to our Year 4 musicians. Please remember if you would like your child to learn an instrument, please do contact Croydon Music and Arts by clicking this link. Instruments on offer are: piano, cello, clarinet, flute, trombone and trumpet. If you would like your child to play the drum kit or violin, please contact the school office. Photos can be seen here of the concert.
New Teacher and Teacher Assistant: today, the children were given the opportunity to meet their new teachers and support staff for next academic year. They visited their new classroom and spend 30 minutes with the class teacher and support staff, getting to know each other. We will also be emailing a list home to all parents so you, too are aware of the staffing arrangements for next year. The teachers are in the process of giving one another a detailed hand over to ensure the transition is smooth for all.
New Reception Picnic: we are so excited for Wednesday afternoon where we will be hosting our new Reception starters picnic, we are looking forward to meeting the newest members of our school community. If your child is coming to this event, please ensure they are wearing sunscreen and a sun hat. There will be plenty of water available. The weather is predicted to be very warm on Wednesday and we want to ensure that we keep everybody safe.
Natural History Museum: on Thursday, our Year 4 children will be heading out to the Natural History Museum where they will take part in an exciting show entitled ‘Emergency! Earthquakes and Volcanoes.’ We are sure they will be excellent ambassadors for our school and wish them all a fantastic time.
Reports: on Friday, you will receive your child’s end of year school report. This will summarise their achievements from this year. We are so proud of all of our children, who despite the challenges of the last couple of years have shown incredible resilience and have been working hard to close any gaps that may have arisen as a result of school closures.
Statutory Test Results: last week, we received our Year 6 SATs results and are delighted to report that 87% of the children achieved expected attainment in EGPS (English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling), Reading and Maths and 72% in Writing. We remain above National Averages (NA) in all areas - this is a wonderful achievement and we are so proud of our children.
We are also proud of the children in Year 4 who recently took their Multiplication Check. Our average mark on this check was 21.6 out of 25. They did so well. Additionally, the children in Year 2 amazed us with 80% of children hitting the expected standard in Teacher Assessments in Reading and Maths and 76% in Writing – we do not yet have the National Averages for Year 2, but the attainment is above National for 2019, which is the last NAs we have, before the pandemic, so are assured we will remain above National again. It doesn’t stop there. Year One phonics results showed that 93% of the cohort passed the phonics screening check alongside 100% of our Year 2 children. AMAZING! We have so much to be proud of and we want to thank you, the parents and carers for your ongoing support and all of our amazing staffing team who have been involved on the educational journey of our children, all who are relentless in their efforts to help children ‘BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE!’
Goodbye! This Friday will be Miss Langan's last day in school. We thank her enormously for all she has done for the children during her time at The Hayes and wish her all the best in her new job. The final week of term for Rainforest will be covered by a mixture of Mrs Duckett and Mrs Farr to ensure that Rainforest have a wonderful final week.
Invacuation: today, Miss Slade did an assembly about Invacuation and explained to the children that on rare occasions, it may be necessary to seal off the school so that it cannot be entered from the outside. Reasons are varied, but the assembly was focussed on the reasons such as: a swarm of bees, an animal that should not be approached, someone who was on the field that we should not be near. Miss Slade then gave instructions for an invacuation, which we will practice on Friday. This Policy can be seen on our website.
Changes to starting and finishing times of school day (from September 2022): as a result of the Pandemic, the Department of Education has published the Schools White Paper, a formal plan from the Government that sets out proposals for future legislation before being decided upon by parliament. One of the expectations is that all schools deliver a 32.5 hour school week, by September. In order to meet this expectation, from September 2022, all children are expected to be in school by 8:45am every day and school will close at 3:15pm (unless children attend a club or after school club. A member of the Leadership will blow the whistle on the playground at 8:45am and all children will line up on their line to be taken into the school by their class teacher and teacher assistant. Learning will then commence. If children are later than 8:45am, they will have to go into school via the foyer. Children will be released from class at 3:15pm – EYFS children from their entrance as usual and Year 1 and Year 2 from their doors. KS2 will come onto the playground, as usual. Please take note of the extension of the school day and please ensure that your child is in school by 8:45am every day. Many thanks.
Here’s to a great week, as we speed into the final week of the summer term, before we break up for the summer holidays on Thursday 21st July, at 1:30pm.