Week beginning 11th December 2017
Week beginning 11.12.17
It has been a truly amazing theatrical week at the Hayes and we are sure that all parents/careers, grandparents and family members who attended our performances will agree.
On Monday, our Reception children performed `Wriggly Nativity', it was a magical event and the children were fantastic. On Wednesday and Friday afternoon our KS1 pupils performed `Present for the Baby'. Again, our children were remarkable, their singing, narrating and singing was first classed. We have such talented children at The Hayes. Many thanks to our staff also, without whom, these great events could not have taken place.
On Tuesday, our Reception children attended a Superheroes workshop to support their topic which they thoroughly enjoyed. On Thursday, our Year 5 and 6 children attended the CSMA Christmas concert at the Minster where some pupils from our drama group preformed the tableaux of the Christmas story. They were stunning and the service was very poignant. There are photos of this event and the EYFS and KS1 musicals on our Twitter account. Miss Slade will put photos up of the events on our website over the Christmas break.
Thank you to the PTA who put on the Elfridges Christmas fayre after school on Friday, I hope you all had an opportunity to buy your last minute bits.
This Week:
Monday 11th December - Breakfast with Santa from 8.00am, this has been organised by the PTA please look for details on their events page.
Wednesday 13th December - Our Year 6 drama group and KS2 choir perform `The Amazing Advent Calendar' at 6.00pm, if you have a child in this, please do come and support us!
Friday 15th December - Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day.
Upcoming events:
Monday 18th December - KS2 will be singing festive songs and carols on the playground at 3pm.
Tuesday 19th December - class parties will be in the morning. In the afternoon KS1 will be attending `Gordon the Magician' and KS2 will be watching a pantomime.
Wednesday 20th December 2017 - we close at 1:30pm and it is Christmas DRESS UP DAY! Children and staff can wear jumpers/Christmas outfits, etc. We cannot wait! At 1:30pm, Audrey Hunter will be on the playground to say goodbye to you all and we thank the PTA in advance for providing warming drinks and Clare Weatherill for making the mince pies. \uF04A
Important information:
There will be no Lexia or booster classes week beginning 18th December.
Unfortunately it has come to our attention that photos taken during the Reception performance have been posted to social media that contain images of other children. Can you please check any posts you may have made and if there are other children in the shots, please take them down as permission has not been sought from other parents and they do not agree for them to be published. Thank you in advance for supporting this safeguarding request.
Thank you to those of you who continue to park considerately and respectfully by not obstructing our neighbours' driveways. Please may we remind the very small minority of inconsiderate drivers to refrain from causing upset amongst our local residents by blocking their driveways. Residents are now taking down number plates and calling the Police, so you have been warned..... many thanks.
Here's to a successful and happy end of term with learning, fun and frivolity!
We hope you have had a great weekend.
The Hayes Team