Week Beginning 10th May
We hope you enjoyed the extra day together yesterday. As always, it was lovely to see the children back in school today.
Snacks at break time: please may we remind parents that we hold the Healthy Schools award. This requires us to encourage our children to promote healthy life styles particularly in regards to food choices. In Key Stage One, the government provide a daily piece of fruit to the children for their mid-morning snack. The children in Key Stage 2 are not provided with a free piece of fruit but they are welcome to bring one in from home for break time, but this is all they are allowed to bring (unless they have an allergy to fruit, in which case, we are happy to discuss alternative healthy options). Since we have returned from lockdown, we have noticed a number of unhealthy snacks such as cakes, crisps, cookies or chocolate covered cereal bars being provided to the children for their mid-morning snack. This is not permitted. If you wish to provide your children with a snack for break time, please ensure this is a piece of fruit or some vegetables e.g. cucumber chunk, raw carrot or sugar snap peas. Thank you.
Face Coverings: we have also received some emails from concerned parents to say that a number of parents are not wearing face coverings at the end of the day whilst waiting in the playground to collect their children. Please may we remind you that the rules remain the same for now. We have a number of parents in our community that are clinically vulnerable. We know that cases of COVID-19 are asymptomatic for one 3rd of people. Please do wear your coverings to protect yourself and each other.
Roadmap Step 2: for parents and carers and children: please click on this link to access the Local Authority's flow chart for what you should do if your child or someone in your household has developed Covid-19 symptoms.
Fun! We are in the process of trying to arrange lots of fun activities for the summer term. Whilst these may have to take a slightly different format to usual, we are hoping to host a Year 6 leavers production (virtual), sports events for the whole school (children) and other exciting activities. We will send you details of these as soon as possible.
In the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support.
Have a lovely weekend.