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Week beginning 10th June 2024

Week beginning Monday 10th June

This week our Year 6 children are heading off on their residential visit to the Isle of Wight. Please ensure they are in school as per the timings in the letter. The coach will leave promptly at 8:30 am. If any children require medications whilst they are away, please can these be given to Mrs Sinclair prior to departure. I am very grateful to Mrs Boylan, Miss Harman, Mrs Sinclair, Mr McEvoy, Miss Dance and Miss Balogun who have all agreed to accompany the children on this visit. Without staff willing to support children on these trips, we would be unable to offer these opportunities. I am confident that all children will be amazing ambassadors for our school, whilst we are away and wish everybody attending a fantastic time. We will keep you updated via our school X feed and will let you know the estimated time of arrival for Friday, via text message.


Monday Runday club started last week but we were missing a few members, perhaps due to the fact it was the first day back. If you have signed up for a space in this club, which is open to children and parent/carers, we hope to see you in the playground at 8am tomorrow morning. If you no longer need your space, please let the office know so we can offer your space to the next person on the waiting list. The challenge is to complete 1 mile on our daily mile track each week. You can run, walk or jog depending on fitness levels. It is not competitive, just an opportunity to get the week started with some physical exercise and release some endorphins. Please do ensure the children are wearing suitable footwear and/or sports wear to participate.


The children in Year 1 will be sitting their phonics screening check this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday), this is a statutory assessment. Some children in Year 2 will also retake the check from last year. We are confident in our approaches to teaching early reading and know that the children are ready for this assessment, we wish them the best of luck. Children in Year 4 also have a statutory assessment on Friday to check their ability to recall timestables facts up to 12x12. They have been working super hard to learn this important knowledge and we are confident in their abilities. Good luck Year 4.


Safari will be leading our class assembly on Thursday morning. Please join us in the school hall for a 9:10 start if you have a child in this class. We would love to see you there. Photographs may be taken for personal use only. Please do not share any images containing other children on social media platforms. 


Don’t forget…the circus is coming to town on the 23rd July and tickets are now on sale! 75% of tickets have been sold already.  This is set to be a great event and a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the school year together with our families. If you want to know what you will be getting for your money, this is a big top circus, with professional circus performers. Check out the promotional video on the following link for a sneaky peak at what’s to come School 2024 Promo .mov We hope to see you there!


Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, please can I remind families, once more, about safe and responsible parking at drop off and pick up times. Last week, there was a very near miss when a member of our community parked on the yellow lines at the corner of Stenning, where families were trying to cross the road. Some children were almost hit by the car.  Parking on this corner is dangerous, it has restricted visibility and blocks the pedestrian route used by many families at these times of the day. Please do consider our children’s safety when selecting where to park.  


Thank you for your ongoing support.
