Week Beginning 10th June 2019
Coming up this week…
This week children in Year one (and some in Year two) will be taking their phonics screening checks. This is a short assessment that is administered 1:1 with the child and their class teacher and will last approximately 5 minutes. As always, please ensure that your children are in school on time following a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast. Results of the check will be sent home to parents with your child’s annual reports in July. Please do not worry about this check. Children who do not meet the expected standard will simply be targeted for extra support next year. Year one will complete their check on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning and Year 2 retakes will take place on Friday morning. There will be no checks on Thursday.
On Monday we wish good luck to the children in Year 5 who are participating in a Rounders tournament. Good luck team. Be the best you can be!
Our Father’s Day gift room opens on Tuesday 11th where children can choose a gift for their Dads or Grandads or any other important father figure in their lives. Children wishing to participate must have purchased a ticket in advance via the PTA web page or can pay £3 on the door. The event will take place in the Breakfast Club room and will run until the end of the week.
On Wednesday morning we invite parents of children in Safari class to join us for the children’s class assembly. This will take place in the school hall from 9:15. We look forward to seeing you there.
Vision screening checks will take place for our Reception children on the 11th and 12th of June and any concerns identified by the optometrists will be reported directly to parents.
On Wednesday the children in Year 5 and 6 will be visited by the school nursing team for an assembly on the subject of puberty.
Year 5 will also be involved in bread making! Yum!
Have a wonderful weekend.