Week Beginning 10th July 2017
Week beginning 10th July 2017
Today, you will receive your child’s school report. Please do make sure that once you have read it you return the acknowledgement slip to the school with any comments you may have. If you wish to discuss any of the content of the report with your child’s class teacher please speak to them directly to make a mutually convenient appointment. We are very proud of the children’s achievements this year and are delighted to report that we have seen yet another year of improvements in our data at all phases. 2016 results were above national averages in all areas from Early Years, to Year One Phonics and Year Two and Six SATs and this year we results are even higher! Well done to the children for all their hard work, to the staff for their dedication to helping the children be the best they can be and also to you the parents for all the nurture and support you have given your children to enhance their education. Together we make a great team!
Coming up next week…
On Monday we welcome back Mrs Boylan from her maternity leave. She is returning to work full time and is looking forward to having her own class again from September. She is a super teacher who we are really glad is returning to the team. From now till the end of term she will be providing cover to various teachers.
We will also be holding a special assembly for Mrs Einecker on Monday afternoon where the children will wish her well for the future and present her with some leaving gifts, cards and hopefully special memories! Thank you to all those who have contributed to her leavers collection; your name labels have been added to a special card and will also be presented to her on Monday. Any families still wishing make a contribution can do so up until Monday at 12:00. Monies raised will be put towards a memory bench and a sundial that she would like for her new farm so she can reflect on her time at The Hayes with fondness. Please may we remind you all that on Monday, there is an opportunity for past pupils and families to bid farewell to Mrs Einecker after school in the playground from 3:15 for approximately an hour. We are sure she would love to see you there! Whilst we are incredibly sad to see Mrs Einecker move on, we are delighted to announce that, subject to formalities, we have managed to recruit a highly experienced and competent swimming teacher for September so swimming lessons for your children will be uninterrupted. We will share more information with you as soon as possible.
In the afternoon of the 11th we are holding our summer term Open Afternoon. Please do pop along from 2:15 where you will have the opportunity to view your children’s learning and achievements from the term. As the weather is very warm at the moment and classrooms will be busy we ask, where possible, younger siblings and buggies are not brought to this event. Open afternoon closes at 3:10.
On Wednesday the children in Year One will be visiting Gatton Park. We are sure they will have a great day out and be wonderful ambassadors for the school! If it is likely to be a warm day, please ensure you have applied a long lasting sun cream before they come in in the morning and you may also wish to provide a sun hat for their protection.
Also on Wednesday, class 6 will be hosting their class assembly to parents. If you are a parent of a child in this class then please join us in the school hall for this event from 9:15.
Our School Council will be meeting for the last time on Wednesday 12th at 12:30 in the ICT suite. If your child is their class rep, please remind them they will need to have an early lunch on this day. I would like to congratulate all members of the 2016-2017 School Council who have taken on their roles brilliantly this year and shown total commitment this additional responsibility. In particular I would like to thank Thomas and Aafrin who have both been amazing chairs- leading meetings with confidence and poise, Anjum who has been a wonderful secretary, preparing and distributing all agendas and minutes in a timely manner and Anika who has been a fabulous treasurer, controlling the purse strings! Democratic elections for next year’s School Council are currently taking place and we look forward to announcing the new team for next academic year as soon as possible!
Thursday 13th is when class 8 will visit Pizza Express. We know they are looking forward to their visit.
In the evening our Year 6 leavers’ performance begins at 6pm. We can’t wait to see the performance which we know will be brilliant! We thank you in advance for your all your support with learning lines and making costumes!
On Friday, Mrs Evison and Mrs Smith (current Year 2 and 3 teachers) will be leading a short transition meeting for parents of children in Year 2 which will be held in the school hall at 9:00. This is in response to some parent feedback that stated you would like more information about the transition from Infants to Juniors and what can be expected as your child moves from Year 2 to 3. For those who wish to attend but cannot make it, we are happy to email out notes from the meeting to all Year 2 parents and carers after the event.
On Friday 14th July the children will be introduced to their new class teachers for next academic year. They will have the opportunity to visit their new classrooms and spend some time getting to know their new teachers.
In the afternoon, Mrs Meadows and 2 children will be collecting our Healthy Schools Award from Braithwaite Hall in Croydon. Congratulations again to the team on achieving this notable award! We are proud to promote healthy and active lifestyles for all at The Hayes.
Please may we remind all families that we do not allow children to wear earrings at all at school (including studs). If an earring came out in the swimming pool for example it could end up in the bottom of somebodies foot! Please do ensure that for your children’s safety, you abide by this rule. May we also remind parents that nail varnish is not part of the school uniform and should be avoided also.
We would also like to remind parents that, at The Hayes, we welcome volunteers who wish to help out in the school. Anybody interested in helping out at school should write to Mrs Olley express an interest. All volunteers would be subject to a full DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and a full Induction process. Volunteers are not allowed to support learning in their own child’s class. We thank you for your continued support.
Have a wonderful weekend!