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Monday 7th November 2022

Week Beginning Monday 7th November 2022

Many thanks to our PTA who organised the Spooky Cake Bake sale today and to all of our parents and carers who provided such amazing cakes!

Parents Evening: on Tuesday and Thursday next week we will be hosting our Autumn term parents’ evenings.  Both days will offer 10-minute appointments between 3:45 and 6:15pm. This term, we are attempting a hybrid model with Tuesday being face to face appointments for children in EYFS, KS1 while KS2 offer online appointments only (preferential for working parents or those with younger children at home) and then on the Thursday, KS2 (Years 3-6) teachers will offer face to face appointment while EYFS and KS1 holding virtual sessions. These slots have been allocated on a first come, first serve basis.  We will review this arrangement after the event.

Tuesday: in school on Tuesday, the children in Years 4-6 will be visited by the founder of BetterShared, a platform that showcases African and Caribbean artists. She has been described as ‘a leader with a social heart’ and we are excited to see her inspire our children.

Wednesday: the children in Rainforest will swim for the first time. â€‹Safari did brilliantly well this week! Well done!

On Friday, we will be holding our Remembrance assembly for children in our school. Sadly, this is for children and staff only, as much as we would love to invite parents and carers, there is not enough room in our hall.

Finally, please find below a newsletter from the PTA.

That just leaves us to say, have a safe and relaxing weekend.
All the best,
The Hayes Team.
