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9th May 2022

Week beginning 9th May 2022

We start this bulletin by thanking Class 7 for their wonderful class assembly which was all about natural disasters. They delivered their assembly with great confidence and sang beautifully.  It provided a reminder to us all about how lucky we are to have the lives that we do and made sure that we all knew what we would need to include in an emergency earthquake pack! Well done Class 7.

School Census Day: on the 19th of May, it is our school census day. Part of our funding is based upon the number of children who have a school dinner on this day. As such, we have a special menu for this day. Please, if you can, do encourage your child to have a school dinner on this day. A copy of the menu will be emailed to you next week, thank you.

Swimming: please may we remind all families that if your child is not swimming, they must have a valid reason and a note from home to explain what this is (e.g. plaster cast, period etc). Swimming is an important part of our curriculum and all children are expected to participate in these lessons. Children who report that they are not to swim, without a parent letter to back this up, will be provided with a spare kit from school and asked to join in. Please may we also thank those of you who have contributed to lessons on ParentPay and remind those who have not to please do so. The pool is a huge asset to our school and a very costly one, it would be a travesty if we had to teach more private lessons or lease it out to an outside company, because this would impact on our children’s lessons. Many, many thanks in advance.

SATs: next week, our Year 6 children will be sitting their SATs exams (Monday-Thursday). We are super proud of the children and have made sure they know this. They have been working so hard to prepare for these assessments and all we ask is that they live our vision and ‘be the best they can be’. Regardless of test outcomes, the children are amazing and to sit these papers with the disruptions to their education that they have encountered over the last 2 years, we think they are brilliant! To help them be the best they can be, please do ensure they get to bed at a decent time and eat a healthy breakfast. It is also important that they are in school on time. A child is not able to enter into the test room if the test has already begun so punctuality is really crucial.

Assembly: also, next week, the children in Reception will be recording their class assembly. This will be shared with parents and the rest of the school via Google Classroom. We will let you know when it is ready to view.

Pyjamarama: on Friday 13th, the School Council have requested that we take part in a 'Pyjamarama' event. This is a book trust initiative that encourages the children to come to school in their Pyjamas and spend some time reading a favourite book. Many of us enjoy reading a book at bedtime. This initiative is designed to reinforce the importance of daily reading and to help promote a love of reading for pleasure. If your child takes part in this, we ask for a donation of £1 which will go towards replenishing our books in the book corners. Many thanks.

Switch off engines for cleaner air: last term and as part of our STARs work (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible and Safe), our children took part in Idling workshops. This taught them that pollution created by idling vehicles disproportionately affects children. Not only are many schools daily hot-spots for vehicle idling but young people have greater exposure to harmful pollutants as they take twice as many breaths per minute (compared to adults) and breathe closer to exhaust pipes. During the workshops, led by MP Smarter Travel, our children created the design for this amazing banner which will be displayed outside our school –we hope it helps to continue to raise awareness to create sustained, positive changes to school journeys and healthier air for everyone. Try walking, scooting, cycling or even park and stride – active travel is a great way to look after our bodies!

Have a lovely weekend.
