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1st May 2023

Week beginning 1st May 2023

We start this week’s bulletin with a huge well done to the children (and parents) who represented The Hayes in the TCS Mini London Marathon last weekend. 30 children ran the 1-mile race in the glorious sunshine, through the centre of London, finishing on The Mall after running past Buckingham Palace. For each child who crossed the finish line, the London Marathon donated £10 for our school to spend on PE or computing equipment…so £300 in total! Thank you to the parents for bringing your children to this event to enable their participation.

Science Week: we also want to celebrate the amazing achievements of our children last week who took part in ‘Science week’ which was organised brilliantly by Mrs Piamya, our science co-ordinator. All children took part in a fun science work shop with Gooey Stuey and I am sure you will see from the look on their faces, much fun and exciting learning was had by all! Thank you Mrs Piamya!

Bank Holiday, Coronation Celebrations: as you will be aware, Monday is a Bank Holiday and school will be closed. We hope you enjoy another long weekend!

Deaf Awareness Week: this week in school, we are celebrating Deaf Awareness Week. Where we seek to raise the awareness of children of deaf issues, people and culture. We seek to promote the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion, and raising awareness of organisations that support those who are deaf.

Year 6 SATs: next week, Year 6 take their statutory SATs tests, from Tuesday-Friday. A letter will go out tomorrow regarding the timetable to Year 6 parents. Good luck to all of Year 6, who have been working really hard and we are super proud of you – the week will soon be over!

Year 2 SATs Month: during the month of May, the children in Year 2 will be taking their statutory assessments (SATS). These will be carried out in small groups but all children will have completed these by the half term break. Good luck, children!

King’s Coronation: tomorrow (Thursday) we shall be celebrating the Kings Coronation and the children are invited to wear red, white and blue clothing to school instead of their usual school clothes. If it is usually your child’s PE day, please ensure their choice of outfit and shoes are suitable for participating in this lesson. There is also a special menu on this day (this has already been emailed to parents) to mark the occasion and there will be a special assembly and opportunities to make a crown.

DISCO: our PTA will be holding a school disco on the 19th May. Tickets available on the PTA events page. The Hayes PTA ( Sales end on the 17th May. 

INSET DAY: school is closed to the children for INSET day on Friday 5th May and on Monday 8th May (additional Bank Holiday to mark the Coronation) so please enjoy your extended weekend when it comes.

All the best,
The Hayes Team


