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Week Beginning 1st May 2017

Week Beginning 1st May 2017


This week we have had a wonderful time celebrating the arts during our ‘Arts Week’. The children have been involved in many great events. Academic success is of course important to us at The Hayes but so is ensuring that our children have the opportunity to experience a broad and balanced curriculum which gives them the chance to improve and further develop skills in areas other than the core subjects. This week we have seen some amazingly talented children and have been filled with pride watching the children improve their levels of confidence and expertise in new and exciting ways…look out for photos coming soon to the school website and Twitter feed!


Today we congratulated the following children who were all selected by their teachers to attend the Head Teachers termly reward for being wonderful individuals. Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, they did not receive the reward as planned (they did however receive a pen, popcorn and a drink!) but we will rearrange another day for our stars over the next few weeks. Congratulations to our children who responded sensibly and maturely when we realized that the reward just wouldn’t work!


*Alex for making huge progress since being in Reception: maturing into a child who tries hard with his learning, controlling emotions and overcoming eating certain food! Well done. 
*Mason for developing into a confident young boy, speaking out in class and coming into class independently. Well done!

*Erin  because her behaviour is exemplary and she has made heaps of progress in all areas of the curriculum. 
*Bobby who has developed massively this year, and is now super confident, saying every Monday ‘I missed you yesterday Mrs Nzelo!’  

Class 1
*Sofia - excellent effort all year always trying hard to be the best she can be in all lessons. Her confidence is growing daily. She is always well behaved setting a brilliant example to her peers.
*Sam - always sitting and listening sensibly during class discussions. His confidence is growing daily and he often makes good contributions in lessons.  He is really trying hard and making progress in improving his handwriting and presentation. 

Class 2
*Isobel – is always the best she can be and puts 100% effort into all she does. She is very responsible, helpful and caring and takes her ‘Happy Hayes Patrol’ role very seriously setting a great example to others.
*Xavier – for always listening brilliantly and working hard on all he does. His confidence in class is growing and he has made great progress.

Class 3
*Martina - For her mature and sensible approach to everything. 
*Sofia - For always being kind and supportive to others.

Class 4 
*Nesrin for putting 100% effort into her learning in all areas of the curriculum and making excellent progress. 
*Thomas for making excellent effort to focus and improve his writing.

Class 5 
*Anxo - He is hardworking and always keen to do the best he can. Anxo works hard during lessons and on his home learning and is a fantastic role model to others in the class. 
*Aaminah for her for wonderful attitude to work and learning and for always being polite to those around her. 

Class 6 
*Zachary- for his great attitude towards all his work, his kind and gentle nature, and always listens to adults and other children. 
*Ruby-for always offering to help others, including adults. She also works hard and is proud of the work she produces.

Class 7 
*Ewan - For being generally fantastic and always trying his best.
* Mollie - For continuous improvement in all her learning throughout the year, she always tries her best and chooses to challenge herself whenever she can. 

Class 8 
*Rosie -For consistently challenging herself in her learning and being a lovely classmate.
*Fraser- For continuing to challenge himself in all his learning and being a supportive member of the class. 

Class 9 
*Thomas - For being helpful, conscientious and demonstrating a love of learning. He consistently works hard to ‘be the best he can be’.
*Olivia - For working hard this year and growing in confidence. There has been a noticeable impact on the quality and quantity of the work she completes. Keep up the good work!

Class 10 
*Toby is a conscientious pupil who always tries his best.  He is kind, considerate and a wonderful member of Class 10. 
*Isabella - is a wonderful member of our class, she always strives to be the best that she can be.  She is kind, conscientious and hard working.  She gets along with all of her peers.

Class 11 
*Anika for excellent class effort and teamwork in class.
*Sava for outstanding effort and progress this year.

Class 12 
*Amelie for always being beautifully behaved and caring for all those around her.
*Ryan for always striving to be the best he can be.


Well done to all of our superstars!


A reminder…tonight we are hosting our annual ‘Hayes Has Talent’ Competition where you will get to see just a tiny snippet of the talent we have at our wonderful school. We are more than aware that we also have talented scientists, mathematicians, historians, authors, swimmers, poets, athletes to name just a few and that not all talents can be easily demonstrated on the stage. We are proud of all of our children but wish those performing in this evening’s event the best of luck! Time to see one of our values (Self-Belief) in action!


Coming up next week…


Monday is May Day holiday and school is therefore closed to children. We hope you enjoy the extended weekend!


It is Watching Week for swimming so we welcome any parents who wish to observe their children’s swimming lesson to join us this week. If your child usually swims on a Monday and you wish to attend, please do join us the following week (Monday 8th).


On Wednesday we welcome parents of children in class 10 to join us for their class assembly. This will be held in the school hall at 9:15. We hope to see you there!


On Friday 5th, Year 3 are heading out on their trip to Butser Farm where they will be bringing the past to life! We are sure they are in for an amazing fun filled day and look forward to sharing photos and feedback from the children soon! 


Finally, we would like to pass on our congratulations to Mrs Olley who is expecting a baby in August. We wish her a happy and healthy remainder of her pregnancy and look forward to sharing news of the arrival in the new academic year. 


Have a great weekend.
