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Our Approach to Teaching MfL (Spanish)

After consulting staff, parents, carers and children, it was clear that the Hayes family was ready to make a change. Together we made the exciting decision for every pupil from Reception to Year 6 to learn Spanish as it is one of the most spoken languages in the world.  At the Hayes we believe that learning a Modern Foreign Language provides a valuable education for our pupils and prepares then for the ever-changing world that we live in. MFL provides a new cultural experience for all and allows children to be more socially aware of other cultures within our community. Our teaching of Spanish allows children to develop their skills about how ‘language works’ which can be reinforced across the curriculum.

After extensive research. our MfL leader decided that the Primary Language Network (PLN) was the best language provider for The Hayes. As we are embarking on a new Spanish journey, all of KS2 will be starting at Stage 1 and progressing through to Stage 4 during their time at The Hayes. In KS1, the key concepts to allow children access to the Spanish language needed for KS2, has been merged so that all children will have the basics from the previous year group. EYFS are following their curriculum, which includes songs, games and play activities. 



Through the teaching of MFL at The Hayes we aim to:

  • Develop an interest in the culture of other nations.
  • Increase awareness of other countries by learning about different cultures and their lifestyles.
  • Develop speaking and listening skills.
  • Familiarise pupils with the written formation and sounds of a Modern Foreign Language in order to develop listening skills and to give greater understanding of phonetical awareness.
  • Increase awareness of language structure and draw comparisons between the structure from one language to another.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards people who speak languages different from their own and accepting different cultures.
  • Allow children to express their understanding through speech and writing.



Our Spanish lessons will include opportunities for cross curricular work, also giving a chance for social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues to be addressed.

  • Aspects of Literacy such as speaking and listening skills, phonic skills to help with spelling and reading. It allows the pupils to have a better understanding of grammatical structures.
  • Aspects of Maths such as counting, learning about money and difference currencies, time and date.
  • Aspects of Music, learning new songs, the alphabet, poems and stories.
  • Aspects of ICT, using materials from online/videos to show other countries and cultures.
  • Aspects of Geography and History relating to our own and other countries.
  • Aspects of Art/Science learning about famous artists or scientists from other countries.
  • Multicultural work – celebrations of festivals and other traditions.


Lunchtime and after school Spanish clubs are provided all key stages. 


By the time children leave our school they will be equipped with a depth knowledge of the Spanish language which will enable them to continue their learning of Spanish into further education.

Spanish Curriculum Map (KS2 are currently working from Stage 1)

Spanish Core Skills

Spanish Day
