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Home Learning: Spring and weblinks (lockdown)

Weekly Home Learning Tasks

Please scroll down below the website links to find your child's year group and you will see this week's learning tasks for them to complete.

Web Links

An online timetable that you can pick and choose from, should you wish to! 
9.00am - PE with Joe Wicks
10.00am - Maths with Carol Vorderman
11.00am - Reading with David Walliams
11.30am - Oti Mabuse Kids’ Class

12.00pm - Lunch (cooking with Jamie Oliver)
1.00pm - Music with Myleene Klass
1.30pm - Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari

1.30pm - Dance with Darcey Bussel
2.00pm - History with Dan Snow (free for 30-days) 
4.00pm - Home Economics with Theo Michaels (Mon/Wed/Fri)

Non-daily events include:
*Science with Professor Brian Cox, Robin Ince & Guests 


Well-Being Links

Joe Wicks (Body Coach): PE for children (and parents!), every day from 9am-9:30am.
Join Joe in a daily workout, aimed at children LIVE from his YouTube channel. 
With schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it's more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive. Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic. The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved. 

You don't need any equipment, just subscribe to his YouTube channel (it is free), at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. Please click on Joe to access this amazing forum.



Promoting Children’s Well-Being (please click on the title of each name to access)
*Advice for young people who are feeling anxious about Coronavirus (Young Minds)

*Helping children cope with stress (WHO)

*Smiling Mind- a great mindfulness website for the whole family (Age 7+) 
*Cosmic Kids- Yoga and mindfulness for kids ages 3+ 

*Out of the Ark - a song to sing a day.

Looking After Your Own Well-Being (please click on the title of each name to access)
*How to protect your mental health (BBC)

*Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children mental health and well-being (GOV.UK)
*Coronavirus and your Well-Being (Mind UK) 
*5 ways to wellbeing (Mindkit)
*Many activities from Growth Mindset to Feeling and Emotions (Twinkl website)

*Action for Happiness


Real PE

An online programme for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 children which supports families to be active, play and learn together. There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical well-being but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Please click on the link below to access real PE at home. The login details and password were sent to all parents/carers in a letter sent on 4th April, 2020:


E-Safety Links

Keeping children safe online is vital and something that is taught and talked about with them frequently throughout school.  As children are away from school, it is important that they are reminded about ways to keep themselves safe online.  Below are some helpful websites to use to talk about e-safety with your children.


*The Hayes Primary School E-Safety page: This page is full of information and has links to useful websites.

*Think U Know: This website is providing fortnightly home activity packs that contain short activities to do with school children of all ages.  Scroll down once you have clicked on the link to open the appropriate activity for your child's age. 
*Twinkl- Internet Safety page.


English Links

Farr Phonics!



At the start of school closures, the amazing Mrs Farr set up a page on Facebook to shed some light on phonics, offer support and online phonics learning. To access her 'Farr Phonics' page on Facebook, please click on Mrs Farr's photo above. If one video was not enough for Mrs Farr, she is now ending each weekday with an awesome phonics session which lasts for approximately 25 minutes. This can be found on You Tube. You can access Mrs Farr from your front room! Please click on the You Tube link below to be diverted to Farr Phonics. Good luck and enjoy!


Please click on the below titles to access each website, thank you.

*Literacy Shed: English resources for KS1 and KS2.

*Twinkl Learning Hub- English for all ages.

*David Walliams Audio Books: Free audio books for children from David Walliams.

*Oxford Owl Free eBook Library: You need to register to access but Oxford Owl have a large selection of free eBooks available for all ages.

Maths Links 

*The Maths Factor: unlock your child's confidence with Carol Volderman's maths site for 4-11 year olds.

*White Rose Maths Hub: includes a video and activity every day for every year group.
*Mathematics Mastery: individualised for each year group.

*Twinkl Learning Hub- Maths for all ages.

*My Mini Maths: maths resource for KS2. 

*Pie Corbett Primary Maths: maths resources for Year 5 and 6.  Each topic has a worksheet with related questions and a video that talks the children through that area.


Fitness Links 

*An abundance of ideas (Twinkl website).


PHSE Links 

*Twinkl Learning Hub- PHSE, for all ages.


Computing Links 

*Twinkl Learning Hub- Computing, for all ages


*Terrapinlingo: Bee Bot emulator.
*LGFL Busy Things – Understanding the World - Technology - you need your child's login for this.

*Daisy the Dinosaur (app for phone).

*Bee-Bot (app for phone).



*Terrapinlingo: Bee Bot emulator.
*LGFL Busy Things – Computing - Busy Code - you need your child's login for this. 
*Scratch Junior- young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games. 
*Tynker- everything needed to learn computer programming the fun way! Ages 5+

*Daisy the Dinosaur (app for phone).

*Bee-Bot (app for phone).


*Code Combat

*Scratch- create games, animations and stories.
*Code Monster

*Tynker- everything needed to learn computer programming the fun way! Ages 5+

*Blockly- games for tomorrow's learners.
*LGFL Busy Things – Computing - Busy Code - you need your child's login for this. 


Science Links

*Twinkl Learning Hub for all ages- Science.


Music Links 

*Out of the Ark - a song to sing a day.
*Croydon Music and Arts are producing online interactive videos for the whole school and classes. They are designed so they can be followed whether you have an instrument at home or not. Please click this link and type in the password: makingmusic123 Enjoy!



*The conductor

*The brass section of the orchestra

*The string section of the orchestra
*The woodwind section of the orchestra  


KS1 & KS2


*Sounds made from different types of musical instruments.

*The brass section of the orchestra.

*The string section of the orchestra.
*The woodwind section of the orchestra.


KS2 (Years 3-6)

*Essentials: many, many musical resources here, from the elements of music to singing.

KS2 (Years 5 and 6)

*British pop music.

*Electronic music.

*Composing music for video games.

*Composing music for film.


Art Links

*Harptoons: fun, therapeutic cartoon drawing.


French Links 

*Primary Games Arena- an abundance of French games for KS1 and KS2 - EYFS, have a go! 
*Top Marks website - games, and so much more. 
*Crickweb - for KS2, but give it a go in KS1 as well! 
*Primary Resources - worksheets and powerpoints -a good site for other areas of the curriculum too!


Geography Links 

*Milkshake - Monkey's Amazing Adventures
*Twinkl Learning Hub- Geography, for all ages.

*3D Geography


History Links 

*Twinkl Learning Hub- History, for all ages



Links to Cover a Range of Curriculum Areas

*Twinkl Home Learning Hub: providing a new set of daily activities. These pages provide book readings, live lessons, positive news updates and more.

*Oxford Owl: free online learning resources that cover a range of subject areas.

*BBC Bitesize: After clicking on the link, scroll down and select KS1 or KS2.  In both of these areas, there is a wealth of information for all subject areas.

*A list of online education resources to use for home education.


Additional Activities

*Scouts Indoor Activities 

*Day Out with the Kids: 100 fun and accessible ideas for activities to keep busy while you're at home.

*Jamie Oliver Get Kids Cooking: a blog with a variety of recipes to cook with your children.

*Lego Activities (please click on the photo to access Lego Challenge Cards)

