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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week beginning 11th October

Thank you to all who wore yellow today in recognition of World Mental Health Day. It is important that children learn it is normal to have good days and bad days and that there are people who can help them if/when they are feeling low.  This message was reiterated in assembly today to ensure children know that our mental health is as important as our physical health. A challenge was set in assembly! For all to show three little acts of kindness to brighten someone’s day and spread some joy: 1. Say something kind to someone, daily. It will brighten their day. 2. Wave and smile at a friend. 3. Tell a joke (on the playground or when it is the right time to do so), and make someone laugh! Laughter is often the best medicine.

Well done to the children in Years 5 and 6 who took part in the inter schools cross country event. Over 150 children from Croydon schools took part and we were so proud of the children from The Hayes who represented our school. A special well done to Thomas who came 5th and Sam who came 17th. Both excellent achievements! Many thanks to Miss Moll and Mrs Gourlay who accompanied the children and organised the event – you are both superstars.

Next week we welcome a new member of staff to the team. Mr McEvoy will be joining our support staff and will be working with the children in Year 2. Mr McEvoy has much of experience working with children and runs sports clubs in local schools. Mr McEvoy will also be a midday supervisor and working in the after-school club. We know that you will give him a warm welcome to our Hayes team when you see him.

On Monday and Tuesday this week we will be hosting our What to expect from SATs meetings in the school hall at 9:00am. The government have announced that following two years of no statutory assessments for primary age children, they will be reinstating the Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs this year for children currently in Year 2 and Year 6.  If you would like to know what this will involve and have the opportunity to view some past papers we invite parents of children in Year 2 to attend on Monday morning at 9:00am and parents of children in Year 6 to attend on Tuesday at 9:00am. This meeting will last no more than an hour and will take place in the school hall. As you will be sitting in close proximity to one another, in an enclosed space, face coverings are recommended.

On Wednesday morning, we will be hosting our first class assembly of the year. We are so excited to invite parents back into school for these special events and we are starting with the children in Class 11. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us for their class assembly, please come to the school hall for a 9:15am start. Once more we politely request that you wear a face covering for the safety of all. Please, no more than 2 spectators from each family, thank you.

We have recently sent out a letter requesting donations for swimming lessons. We are very fortunate to have a pool but it does place an additional financial burden on the school which, without parental support, we are unable to afford. Pre-COVID, this letter was sent to parents annually but we have not asked for donations for the last two years due to the disruption to lessons caused by the pandemic. We are now in a situation where swimming lessons have resumed fully and your support is needed. Swimming donations can be made in instalments via parent pay and we thank you in advance for your contributions.

Have a lovely weekend and many thanks for your support.

The Hayes Team
