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Week Beginning

Week beginning 28th March 2022.
Parent/Carer Meetings: thank you to all our parents and carers who attended parent/teacher meetings this week. We have thoroughly enjoyed being able to talk to you about your children’s achievements and progress and to share with you their next steps. We thank you for your ongoing support with your children’s learning.

The Big Walk and Wheel Week: thank you to all of the children who brought their bikes/scooters into school this week. They have relished riding with their friends in the playground, learning about helmet safety and the importance of being active! Well done to all those who also made a special effort to walk to school this week. Our JTAs worked incredibly hard, visiting classes each day to demonstrate helmet safety and explaining the importance of wearing a helmet. They also met an official from the Council to monitor how many people ‘idle’ (park and keep their engines running). Our JTAs said ‘if you do this, please stop because it is really bad for the environment!’ Raffle prizes for our walkers will be drawn next week. Additionally, each class blinged up their bikes or souped up their scooters - winners will be announced next week.

Massive thanks go to Mrs Draper, our travel plan lead, for her efforts in organising these events.

Neurodiversity: this year, World Autism Acceptance Week is from 28 March to 3 April.  Ambitious about Autism and the NAS have a range of autism awareness week materials on their website should you wish to access these, please find the links below. As always, our Inclusion Leader is available if you have any queries or concerns in regard to your children, please do not hesitate to get in touch via; World Autism Acceptance Week 2022 | Ambitious about Autism;  World Autism Acceptance Week 2022 The slides from the Neurodiversity Coffee morning on 25th March, can be found on the school website.

Today is Epilepsy Awareness Day – during Friday’s assembly, two of our confident superstars explained what it is like to live with epilepsy and raised awareness of this condition – well done boys, you are amazing!

Carroty Wood: we are beyond excited that on Wednesday next week, our Year 5 children will be heading out on their residential visit to Carroty Wood where they will stay until Friday. We are very grateful to Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Derodra, Miss Hale, Mrs Bolton and Mrs Kioufi for agreeing to support the children on this visit. Without their willingness to work around the clock, we would not be able to make these experiences happen for our children. While Miss Hale is away on this school journey, Miss Harman, who is sadly far too pregnant for zip-wiring, will be teaching Class 7. We are sure the children will be great ambassadors for the school and will make memories to last a life time!

Trips: our children in Year 2 will also be heading out on their first school trip to Chessington Zoo on Thursday 31st March. If your child is attending this visit, please ensure that they are wearing plain dark jogging bottoms and trainers along with their normal school jumper and a waterproof jacket. They will also need a packed lunch and a small backpack that they can carry this in themselves. Please note, the children will be due back from school at the slightly later time of half past 4 to ensure that they can enjoy as much time as possible at the Zoo.

Assembly: the children in Class 2 will be recording their class assembly which we will share with parents, carers and families via Google Classrooms.  We will send a text message to let you know when it has been uploaded.

Goodbye: sadly, on Friday 1st of April we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Gourlay who will be leaving The Hayes. Her new school has different term dates (as they are in a different Borough) and we are therefore releasing her from her contract one week before the end of term to ensure that she has a week off work to relocate, prior to beginning her new role. We wish Mrs Gourlay and her family all the very best and know that we will all miss her very much – she has been a huge asset to our school. We will also be saying farewell to Miss Ingram, a Roehampton student, who has been on placement with us in Class 4 this term. We thank her for all she has done for the children and wish her the best of luck in her future teaching career. Also, at the end of this term, we will be saying a temporary farewell to Miss Harman who will be starting her maternity leave. We are very grateful to Mrs Lishmund who has agreed to cover this for us until Miss Harman is able to return.

People Who Help Us: as a continuing part of their ‘People who help us’ topic, the children in Reception will be visited by two nurses in school on Wednesday and on Friday 1st. Look out for pictures coming your way soon!

Ice Cream Van: many of you have contacted us regarding the ice cream van that is continuing to park outside of our school at the end of the school day. Whilst we sympathise with the fact that this is providing an unhealthy temptation to the children, unfortunately, we have no legal powers to move this person on. The only power we have against this is our collective power to not buy from this vendor. If we stop providing business, he will stop coming. We are very grateful to Mrs Pearce, one of our governors, who has contacted the Local Authority about this matter. They are in communication with the Safer Neighbourhood Policing team in order to support us with moving him away from the school and ensuring he is complying with the Law.

Collection Changes: the office staff are dealing with a large number of people calling during the day to inform them of changes to collection arrangements at the end of the day. This approach can be really quite disruptive as teachers then have to be called during the lessons to inform them of the change which interrupts learning. Please can we remind you that phoning the office with this kind of message should be a last resort, used only in an emergency situation e.g. car/train has broken down. If it is an arrangement that is organised in advance, please send your child with a brief note to the class teacher in the morning to let them know who will be picking up. Thank you.

Thank You: lastly, we would like to thank our PTA for running our Mother’s Day gift room. It has been a hive of activity this week.
Happy Mother’s Day: we end with wish all our amazing mums, grandmas, big sisters, aunts and any other important female role models a wonderful day for Sunday. Thank you for all the love and support you give to our children.  

Have a wonderful weekend. 
The Hayes Team


