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Week Beginning 8th May 2017

Week Beginning 8th May


Coming up next week…


Good luck to our children in Year 6 who will be sitting their SATs this week. They have worked really hard preparing for these exams and we know they will be brilliant. The children are all ready to embody our school vision and ‘Be the best they can be!’ We are already really proud of them. The timetable and final details have been sent out to parents of children in Year 6 in a letter from Miss Slade.


Children in Year 2 will also be starting some of their statutory tests. These will take place across the month of May. As you will already be aware, these assessments inform the teacher assessment judgments that you will receive in your end of year reports.


Please may we make parents aware that as of Monday 8th May ‘fidget spinners’ (which appear to be the new craze) will be banned from The Hayes. Over the past week the staff have been experiencing some difficulties with spinners causing significant disruption to learning, this coupled with reports of accidents and injuries being caused to children has led us to make the decision to ask you to refrain from allowing your children to bring them into school. Obviously if your child has a sensory impairment or additional need which has been previously discussed with our inclusion team, we can provide a fiddle toy for them if necessary from the school resources. Any child seen with a fidget spinner during the school day will be asked to put it away. If it reappears, please be aware that it may be confiscated to be collected by a parent at the end of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. 


On Monday, Year 4 children will be experiencing science workshops with staff and students from Riddlesdown.


On Thursday at 9:15 Class one will be leading their assembly to which parents and carers of children in this class are invited. We hope to see you there.


On Friday we will be hosting a parent workshop to outline the schools statutory requirement of promoting the Fundamental British Values. If you wish to come along this will be held in the ICT suite at 9:00.


For parents of children in Year 6, there will be a meeting held at 5pm on Tuesday 16th May regarding the forthcoming residential journey to The Isle of Wight. This will include further details about the planned activities, accommodation, routines and expectations etc. If your child is attending this trip, please do come along. 


Finally, for those of you waiting to hear, we are delighted to announce that Mrs Derodra gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy (name yet to be decided). Our huge congratulations go to the Derodra family. 


Have a wonderful weekend!
