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Week beginning 5th October 2015

Week beginning 5th October 2015

Well done to Class 12 who kicked off our class assemblies this week with a fantastic Viking event. You’ve set the bar high for the rest of the school! Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend.


Thank you also to the PTA who ran Film Club again this week on Monday. We appreciate the time that you give up so freely to organise and host school events for the pupils.


Coming up next week …

The Y5 and Y6 Cross Country competition takes place on Monday 5th October at 3.30pm at Lloyd Park. We have been asked to request that ALL spectators, teachers and children remain behind the spectator barrier at all times. The only exceptions to this rule are the children running the race and the nominated teacher who will be allowed into the finishing area to collect the children at the end of the race. This event has proved to be exceptionally popular this year with 200 children entered into each race; with so many children and spectators, it is essential that all spectators adhere to the safety controls and remain in the designated spectator area. Officials and marshals will be working to ensure the safety of the children and it is imperative that parents/carers co-operate and respect the marshals’ instructions at all times. Thank you in advance. Good luck to all those pupils taking part.


The Book Fair will be taking place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


The Sports for Schools event takes place in school on Wednesday. Pupils need to make sure they have their PE kits for the day. They are encouraged to think of any questions they would like to ask the athlete, Luke Lennon-Ford, on the day as part of the assembly. Any sponsorship money that the children have managed to collect is to be brought into school by the following Wednesday.


Our Writers of the Week this week are:

Class 1: Annalise Offer

Class 2: Lyra Lloyd-Evans

Class 3: Emily Pargeter

Class 4: Lily-Rose Offer

Class 5: Finley Ball

Class 6: Leya Samuel

Class 7: Thomas Able

Class 8: Izzy Armstrong

Class 9: Lida Zhu

Class 10: Lauren Acevedo

Class 11: to follow next week

Class 12: Isaiah Howard – Matthews


Congratulations! I look forward to seeing this writing on display over the coming week.


Have a great weekend.
