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Week Beginning 3rd July

Week beginning 3rd July


Thank you to all those who attended our Summer Fair last Saturday. We are delighted to announce that, with your support, we raised a staggering £6500 for the school! Thank you to our incredible PTA for organising such a wonderful event and to all those of you who came along and supported the fundraising. We hope you had a great day!


Well done to all who participated fully in Sports Day today! Much fun was had by all and we are really proud of everybody for joining in and trying their best. Our thanks especially to Miss Langan, Miss Fraser and David from the CSSP for organising this wonderful event.
Thank you also to all those who sponsored the staff team who recently ran an obstacle course in Lingfield to raise money for the AT Society. The team managed to raise a staggering £231 with your help! Many thanks.
As we prepare to enter July, our final month of the school year, here is what is coming up this week…
Over the next couple of weeks we will be welcoming some work experience students to our school. If your child comes home talking about a new ‘helper/teacher’ it is likely that they may be referring to one of our students. I am sure if you see our work experience students in school you will give them a warm welcome.


On Monday morning, Year 6 children will have some explore learning workshops which we are sure they will enjoy.


On Tuesday, some of our children transferring to Year 7 at Warlingham School will attend a taster day. We hope they enjoy getting to see their new school and the opportunities to meet some new friends also!


On Wednesday, we welcome parents of children in class 7 to join us for their class assembly in the school hall. This event begins at 9:15.


On Wednesday afternoon, we welcome our September 2017 cohort of children to join us for a picnic in school. We are looking forward to meeting them as they start their primary school journey. The children will have some yummy snacks and will get to meet their new teachers and some new friends too. Exciting times!


On Thursday we wish good luck to our Tennis Team who have made it through to the London finals of a competition. They have done so well and we are sure they will continue to give it all they have got!


Also on Thursday, one of our biggest musical events of the year… ‘Music is Magic!’ takes place at 6pm. This is when all of the children who have been learning an instrument during the year perform for us and demonstrate what they have been learning. For the first time also, we will also be hearing our Junior and Infant Choirs and Mrs Yates recorder and ocarina club perform. A treat for our ears!


On Friday David from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership will be leading a Tag Rugby festival with our Year Four children. We are sure they are in for a great afternoon!


Also on Friday, we will be sending your children home with their end of year school reports. After reading these reports, if you have any questions about the content of the report please do speak to your child’s class teacher and make an appointment to discuss anything in the report that you would like to know more about. If you are happy with the report you have received, please do fill in your comments slip and return it to the school. As you can imagine, writing school reports for 30 children can take an incredibly long amount of time and it is great for the teachers to receive some feedback from you.


As the end of term approaches, there are a few upcoming events that you may need reminding of including the following:

·         10th July- Opportunity to bid farewell to Mrs Einecker in the playground after school from 3:15 to 4:30
·         11th July- Open Afternoon from 2:15- 3:15
·         13th July 6pm- Year 6 musical
·         18th July- year 6 leavers assembly (open to Year 6 parents only x2 per child)
·         20th July- Break up for summer holidays at 1:30pm. 


Have a great weekend.

